

Sheng-Wei Lin, Ph.D

Associate Professor 


PhD in Information Management from National Chengchi University

 Research Areas

Digital Commerce, Search Engine Marketing

Website Traffic Analysis, Sharing Economy, Social Networks






Academic Publications Catalog

Journal Publications

  1. Lin, S. W.*, Huang, E. Y., & Cheng, K. T. (2023). A binding tie: why do customers stick to omnichannel retailers?
    nformation Technology & People, 36(3), 1126-1159. (SSCI)

  1. Lin, S. W.*, Huang, E. Y., & Cheng, K. T. (2022). Understanding organizational reputation formation in mobile commerce. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 55, 101200. (SSCI)
  1. 陳孟淳、林勝為、苗議丰、林娟娟* (七月,2022),「服務有價─以價值接受模型探討消費者對串流音樂平台之訂閱意願」,
  1. Lin, S. W.*, Liu, Y. H., & Huang, E. Y. (2021). Exploring the relationship between employee engagement and its antecedents: the moderating role of smartphone use. Information Technology & People, 34(3), 1200-1228. (SSCI)
  1. Louis Yi-Shih Lo & Sheng-Wei Lin (2017). An approach to initiating eWOM intentions: A study on the effects of reference price and value homophily. Internet Research, 27(2), 277-302. (SSCI)
  1. Louis Yi-Shih Lo, Sheng-Wei Lin*, & Hsu, L.-Y. (2016). Motivation for online impulse buying: A two-factor theory perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 36(5), 759-772. (SSCI) 
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin* & Louis Yi-Shih Lo (2016). Evoking online impulse buying behavior through virtual layout scheme.
    Behaviour & Information Technology, 35(1), 38-56. (SSCI)  
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin* & Louis Yi-Shih Lo (2015). Mechanisms to Motivate Knowledge Sharing: Integrating the Reward Systems and Social Network Perspectives, Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(2), 212-235. (SSCI)  
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang & Sheng-Wei Lin*, & Ya-Chu Fan (2015). M-S-QUAL: Mobile Service Quality Measurement,
    Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14 (2), 126-142. (SSCI)
  1. Shu-Chiung Lin, Sheng-Wei Lin, Patrick Shicheng Chen, & Yung-Kuei Liu (2015). Adoption of 4G Wireless Services under Consideration of Technology and Economic Perspectives. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 13(1), 71-91. (SSCI)
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang & Sheng-Wei Lin (2014). How does e-mail use affect perceived control of time?
    Information & Management, 51 (6), 679-687. (SSCI)   
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, & Travis K. Huang. (2012). What type of learning style leads to online participation in the mixed-mode e-learning environment? A study of software usage instruction. Computers & Education, 58(1), 338-349. (SSCI)
  1. Louis Lo & Sheng-Wei Lin (2011). The effect of price presentation, sales restrictions, and social networks on consumer eWOM intention. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 3(1), 1-9. (EI)
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, & Shu-Chiung Lin (2011). A quasi-experiment approach to study the effect of e-mail management training. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 522-531. (SSCI)
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang & Sheng-Wei Lin (2009). Do knowledge workers use e-mail wisely?
    Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50 (1), 65-73. (SCI Expanded)

International Conference Publications (Listed only from 2010 onwards )

  1. Jia-Hui Lin, Sheng-Wei Lin, Tzu-Yang Chu, & Hung-Ting Lin (2023, July 8-12). Exploring the effect of AR filter on perceived brand image: The mediating role of realistic experience. Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Nanchang, China. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, & Kai-Teng Cheng (2019, January 7-11). How does Omnichannel Integration Quality Affect ConsumersStickiness Intention. Proceedings of 52th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), Hawaii, U.S.A. (Best Paper Nomination) (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Louis Yi-Shih, Lo, & Sheng-Wei Lin (2018, June 26-30). Reduce Uncertainty of Online Potential Mates: Employing Signalling Theory. Proceedings of 22th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Yokohama, Japan. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Travis K. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, Louis Yi-Shih Lo, (2016, Nov 19-22). Understanding the Effect of Flickr’s Screenshot Annotations on Learning Effectiveness, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI 2016), Austin, USA.            (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin & Louis Yi-Shih, Lo (2016, Jun 27-31). Motivation for Using the Social Commerce Website in the Sharing Economy: A Two-Factor Theory Perspective. Proceedings of 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Chiayi, Taiwan. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin, Louis Yi-Shih, Lo, & Travis K. Huang (2016, Jan 5-8). Visual Complexity and Figure-background Color Contrast of E-commerce Websites: Effects on Consumers Emotional Responses. Proceedings of 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2016), Kauai, Hawaii, USA. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Louis Yi-Shih, Lo & Sheng-Wei Lin (2014, Dec 14-17). Love and Romanticism through IS: The Antecedents of Desire for Interaction. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Auckland, New Zealand. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin & Louis Yi-Shih, Lo (2013, Nov. 16-19). Evoking online impulse buying behavior through virtual layout scheme. Proceedings of 44th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI 2013), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Louis Yi-Shih, Lo & Sheng-Wei Lin (2013, August 15-17). Enhancing buyers' perceptions of product quality: From seller and product signals to eWOM. Proceedings of 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Chicago, Illinois, USA. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Louis Yi-Shih, Lo & Sheng-Wei Lin (2013, June 19-21). Three ways to convert browsing into impulse buying: Website streamline and decoration. Proceedings of Management, Knowledge and Learning (MakeLearn) International Conference 2013, Zadar, Croatia.  
  1. Lee-Ling Huang, Wen-Miao Liu, Sheng-Wei Lin, & Louis Yi-Shih Lo (2013, May 18-23). Relationship between extrinsic motivations and behavior to share knowledge among Taiwanese nurses. Proceedings of International Council of Nurses 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, & John Chin-han Tang (2012, Nov 17-20). Adopting Agile System Development Methodologies. Proceedings of 43th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI 2012), San Francisco, USA. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin & Bo-Wen Lin (2012, Nov 17-20). Exploring the Relationship between Cross-boundary Knowledge Flows and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of the Alliance Portfolio. Proceedings of 43th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI 2012), San Francisco, USA. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, & Ya-Chu Fan (2012, July 12-14). Constructing the Measurement Scale of Mobile Service      Quality. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference of Pacific Rim Management (ACME), California, USA.
  1. Sheng-Wei Lin, Louis Yi-Shih, Lo, & Wen-Miao Liu (2012, June 10-13). Motivating knowledge sharing behavior from the perspective of the convertibility of economic benefits. Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Barcelona, Spain. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Louis Lo & Sheng-Wei Lin (2010, Dec 12-15). The effect of price presentation, sales restrictions, and social networks on consumer eWOM activities: Two-phase validation. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems 2010 (ICIS 2010), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Saint Louis, USA. (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)
  1. Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, & Travis K. Huang (2010, Nov 20-23). Does online     participation mediate the effect of learning style on learning performance? Proceedings of 41th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute (DSI 2010), San Diego, USA. (Distinguished Paper Award) (科技部資管領域推薦國際會議)